Tuesday 21 August 2007

Blog Dump - 43Folders and LifeHacker

I wanted to share two of my favorite blogs with you, LifeHacker and 43Folders. Both help you become more productive. 43Folders is written by Merlin Mann (bonus points for a such a cool name). His sense of humor and wit make the site both fun to read and highly rewarding. LifeHacker is like 43Folders on steroids. It updates much more frequently and encompasses more topics. In the past week I have seen articles about personal finance, software picks, and how to lose weight. Pretty much anything to improve the way you live your life. So fire up the RSS reader and add their feeds.

-Will S.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Кстати, не зря blogonews называется местом для сбора всего самого интересного. [URL=http://blogonews.net]Все самое интересное[/URL] - несомненно правильное название для этого ресурса.